Friday, May 9, 2008

Day Fifteen - 05/09/08

After two days off, I was eager to get back to the training. ESPECIALLY since I had birthday cake Monday and Wednesday and another bday dinner last night.

Today was a circuit and game day.

We did our rings (jump in the rings, squat. Jump, squat,etc), hurdles, running, ducking in ropes, crunched, etc for our circuit today. We've done a similar circuit in the past, this was changed up a little.

Afterwards, we played a game. The new girls to the camp were thrilled that they made it through their first week and enjoyed the game, even thought it was still tough. Lunges, start jumps, mountain climbers, push ups, etc.

Once stretching came around we were thrilled! That mean class was almost over! :-)

I'm all ready for Monday! :-) I'm not working tomorrow day or night, so I'm mowing the lawn and helping with garden work! Hopefully we'll get the flowers and veggies in the ground!

Thanks for checking on me!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day Fourteen - 5/6/08

It's the day before my birthday. I went in to work out today instead of tomorrow because I'm working late tonight and so I could sleep in tomorrow. We are hoping to spend the day working on the garden tomorrow. That will be plenty of exercise!

Today we concentrated on arms. They felt like Jell-o by the end of the hour. We also ran, did dips, crunches, cardio, etc. It was an awesome work out. I learned some new exercises for the flabby part of my arms. I will add that to my work out routine at home (along with bra-fat exercises...LOL).

We run a mile on Friday. Wish me luck. I'm hoping just to keep the same time that I had last week.

Thanks for checking on me.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Day Thirteen - 05/05/08

Today was the first day of the new four week class. I figured she'd take it easy on us. Our class doubled in size, so we had a ton of first time campers. We've even had to move to another part of the park so we all fit.

So, did she take it easy on us?? Noooooooooooooo. LOL. One of the new girls asked if it gets easier to wake up early - YES! Does the class get easier? I told her that it gets easier to deal with, but not "easier".

And like me, several said they'd NEVER be able to run a mile. :-) I told them if I could, they could.

It was a good group of new folks. I'm looking forward to getting to know them.

Thanks for checking in on me.