Friday, April 11, 2008

Day Three - 4/11/08

Yesterday I went to the Greenway and walked/jogged 2 miles. I meant to do one mile, but didn’t see the ½ mile mark. Ugh. Paul also took some "before" photos of me. Hopefully when we take "after" photos we'll see a least a little difference!

So today - I did it. I "ran" one mile in 17:52. No, that's not an awesome time, but you know what? I did it!!! No stopping. I either jogged or walked. It was great to finish.

Also for one minute:

Push ups - 27
Sit ups - 21

The goal is to improve my own time/amounts. I know people can do way more than I can...but *I* want to do more than I can right now. :-)

We went back to the house and had a big breakfast of egg whites and toast. It was good and filling. :-) Tricia and I are excited about our first week being over.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day Two - 04/09/08

We mostly worked arms today. It felt good to do that. I need better strength. I’m still having trouble with my balance and still do half jumping jacks, half "modified" jumping jacks. Also still can't jump rope, so I do modified jumping jacks for that as well. Hey, it's more than I've done in the past and I'm glad I'm doing it.

Friday I'll be walking/running a mile. It will be timed and then we'll do it again at the end of the 4 weeks. The expectation is to shorten the time between then and now.

I'm anxious about it, but excited. :-)

Also bought the protein shake mix and that was good. Easier than 6 egg whites. So that shake and a banana is a good after work out breakfast. Still had half a piece of wheat toast with peanut butter before hand. That was easier to eat too. :-)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Day One - 4/7/08

Tricia and I have lost our minds and decided to join boot camp. I am going to try to keep a diary of what I hope to be PROGRESS.

I got up at 4:20 so that I could have my half a slice of wheat toast with peanut butter before heading to my first day at "Boot Camp".

I was tired, didn't sleep well the night before, but I was looking forward to it.

We laid our mats out and stretched, most of us first timers to the class, not exactly sure what to expect.

We were informed that this Friday we will be running a mile. I can't tell you the last time I ran.

We did an assortment of exercises, from jumping jacks (she said it was 25, but it was 1, 2, 3 - ONE, 1, 2, 3 - that would be 100 in my book) to jogging/walking (she adapts for those of us who can't do the harder things...I walked with 5 lb weights...moving arms, etc as I went along. By the end of the hour we had run, jump roped, did crunches, push ups, worked with weights on our arms, threw a 6lb ball and squatted, stretched etc. All of it LOOKS easy enough, but I learned a few things. I can't jump rope to save my life. I can't run backwards without feeling like I'm going to fall (and did once). I can do about 15 of her jumping jacks before my legs turn to Jell-o.

I came home, had a banana (small one!) and 2 egg whites. You are supposed to have protein right after you work out to help with the muscle. Who knew? :-) She wanted me to have 6 egg whites, but after all that working out there was just no way I could eat more.

I took a HOT shower and napped for a little bit.

On my non-workout days (Tues, Thurs and Sun - Saturdays I'll be "off") I'm hoping to walk with the weights or ride my bike. Walking/running for me is so tough because of my hips/legs and the way I drag my leg, but I'm going to try. That's all I can ask for.