Friday, April 25, 2008

Day Nine - 04/25/08

This was our third Friday. :-) I'm still going strong!

Today was interesting. The part we go to work out was blocked off. Today the Tour de Georgia is coming through there, so it was closed off. We all parked a mile or so away and walked to the pavilion. We got to workout in front of workers putting together the site. It was fun though. They cheered us on and joked with up. It was fun.

We did crunches, sprints, push ups, wall sits. We did some cardio. We worked lats and arms too, which I really like to do. I love the burn. My legs end up feeling like Jell-o, but my arms usually end up feeling great!

The work out was improvised mostly, since Maria wasn't able to bring her equipment in. But, we did work. And we did sweat.

Thanks for checking on me again!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day Eight, 04/23/08

Today was a good, but tiring, workout. We had a circuit of exercises to do first. Arms, abs, legs, were all worked. It was very good.

We then had to do mountain climber push up thingys. Don't ask...I don't know what the real name is, but basically we had to crawl up the hill (which might as well been a mountain) and do push ups along with it. I wasn't able to do the climbing part very well, but I did what I could.

The shoes came in handy with the running around the circuit and then running the laps. I really do love the way they feel. More so, I like that my shins aren't hurting like they did before.

Afterwards we did some other types of abs work. We were definitely feeling it!!!

It was a good workout. Not as cold as it was in the beginning of the 4 weeks, which was also good.

Thanks again for checking in on me!!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Day Seven, 04/21/08

This is the third Monday of Bootcamp. Only one Monday left in this session. I think I'll be going again.

I can't believe how much energy I have. And it's not "fake" energy. It's not caffeine. I have one cup of coffee in the mornings and ZERO Cokes. I take that back...I have had one Diet Coke on each Saturday - during Casino Jobs. Other than that, no sodas.

This weekend I didn't get to go for a walk or jog like I wanted to, but I did work in the yard. I mowed the lawn and then went back and sprayed the weeds. It was a nice day to be outside.

I'm down 8lbs now. I can't believe it. Actually I CAN believe it, but it's just such a nice feeling. I don't feel it in my clothes yet, but my work out partner, Tricia, says she can see the difference. I don't see it, but I FEEL it and that is so awesome to me!

My shoes were a good investment. We ran a bit today and I can tell how much better my feet (well, my foot) feels.

Thanks for checking in on me today!